儀式 &
以城市景觀為背景,開始您的幸福生活。想像一下您浪漫的屋頂儀式,欣賞全景,然後在室內舉行熱鬧的招待會,在我們令人驚歎的室內空間中享用美食和跳舞。我們的全包套餐可滿足各種預算和風格,確保我們將您的願景變為現實。快來登上城市 游輪,喜結連理。
彩排晚宴 &
讓每個場合都成為珍惜水上美景的時刻。我們的 船隻 提供全包式體驗,非常適合彩排晚宴、訂婚派對、新娘送禮會、早午餐和誓言更新。享受非凡的款待,確保您的婚禮相關活動令人難忘。讓我們敬業的團隊熟練地處理計劃,讓您自由地上船,為您的愛人舉杯,並陶醉於您結合的喜悅中。
細節決定成敗,我們的每個場地都提供了豐富的選擇。直觀地參觀我們船舶的室外和室內空間,從各個方向都可以欣賞到無與倫比的全景。我們的氣候控制內飾和露天外部甲板是同類產品中最大、最豪華的。將我們的空間視為一張空白的畫布,將您的婚禮夢想變為現實。無論您是 在策劃親密活動還是盛大活動,總有一款適合您。
- 兩小時午餐巡遊
- 香檳吐司
- 現金雞尾酒吧
- 兩到三個小時的晚餐巡遊
- 拼盤、食品站或自助餐功能表
- 甜點或婚禮蛋糕
- 背景音樂
- 瓷器、亞麻布、玻璃器皿
- 服務人員和調酒師
- 免費切蛋糕
- 辦公室協調員
- 一周年紀念晚宴
- 現場娛樂表演
- 舞池
- 攝像師
- 定製花材
- 攝影師
- 特種布草
- 照相亭等等!

Plan the Bridal Shower of Your Dreams in Newport Beach
Newport Beach is just as beautiful as it sounds. This enchanting coastal city in Orange County, California embodies everything that a city on the water should, and residents and tourists
Plan an Unforgettable Bridal Shower in Boston
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Book Your Bachelorette Party in Beautiful Berkeley
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Your Perfect Bridal Shower Is Waiting for You on the Water in San Diego
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Unforgettable Bridal Showers in Marina del Rey with City Cruises
The sun-drenched beaches, the salty breeze, and the panoramic views of the Pacific Ocean stretching out before you are the perfect backdrop for an unforgettable bridal shower in Marina del
The Best Place for a Rehearsal Dinner in Norfolk
In the historic and charming city of Norfolk, Virginia, maritime heritage meets modern elegance, and if you’re lucky enough to be planning a rehearsal dinner, you couldn’t pick a better
Washington DC Is the Place to Be for Your Bridal Shower
Washington DC is celebrated as the capital of the United States, and many important dignitaries from around the globe have come to the city for a host of memorable events.
– 女人結婚